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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reaching Her Goal and Riding Along!

You know how sometimes you meet someone and after visiting with them, even for only a short while, they strike you as the kind of person who is always going to be successful? This kind of person exudes an air about them that says that they are confident and secure within themself and they aspire to do great things. Well one of these people is a member of my family, in a round about way. She is my daughter's sister-in-law, Belinda. I have known Belinda for as long as she and her husband have been married but we really haven't had any kind of prolonged conversation until just recently. After following along in my blogs and having seen each other at a recent family gathering, she and I got together over Starbucks to talk girl talk. You know, the kind of girl talk where you discuss female maladies and the dreaded weight gain that seems to just creep up on us. Well, after reading and seeing my results using Reliv, Belinda wanted to know more about it and how it worked. It is as easy as simply supplying your body with the nutrients that it needs and the body kicks in and goes to work! Nothing fancy. Just efficient.

Belinda has made a commitment to better health and has set goals for herself that include marathon's and backpacking adventures. Her spirit bursts with enthusiasm and it is going to be so much fun watching her work towards her goals. She uses her two Reliv shakes a day to fortify her body and reduce her weight and along with a healthy mealplan and exercise regime I can only foresee her reaching her goals.

I have hiking into Machu Picchu as one of the goals on my "bucket list" and so does Belinda. Wouldn't it be great if someday we were able to sit at the top of the ruin knowing that it is only one of the many things that we are able to do now thanks to good health and good nutrition...?

If you would like to follow Belinda's health and weight loss progress you may link up with her on www.belindaspassion.blogspot.com


Brooke said...

I love that Belinda. She is such a blessing to anyone she meets, always working hard to be the best and do the best. I LOVE her blog, too! She is prepping for a triatholon. SO VERY COOL!!!